

8 Signs that he will be faithful in your relationship

No one wants to go through the pain of
being cheated on and everyone must
wonder, at some point in time, could it
happen to me? There can, of course, be
no way to be 100% sure that it won’t
happen, but there are some signs that
can tell you it is unlikely to happen, so
check out these eight signs that you have
nothing to be worrying about:

1. He has a good track record
It’s no guarantee, but if he hasn’t
cheated before, then he’s less likely to do
it now. Guys can get into the habit of
cheating and the more they do it, the
easier it gets for them, so, if he has no
history of cheating at all, then it’s
probably just not in his nature.

2. You are working towards common
It’s good if your guy has independence,
but it’s also important that you are
working towards common goals. If you
have made plans together and are
striving for common goals, then he is less
likely to throw all that away for a quick
fling on the side.

3. He’s happy at home
There is no excuse for cheating, it’s
wrong, but there are often underlying
reasons behind a man, or a woman,
being unfaithful. If your man is
comfortable in his own home and you
obviously enjoy being together, then he’s
not going to want to lose that. A sense
of security and belonging is important to
both genders and you can usually tell if
that’s missing.

4. You know that you have no secrets
Another good sign is if you know that you
are keeping no secrets from one another.
When a man is an open book and shares
everything with you, then you can relax a
little and be more confident that he will
not cheat.

5. He only has eyes for you
If his eyes are not constantly roving,
when you are out with him and he seems
to only have eyes for you, then you can
be confident that he’s not on the lookout
for alternatives. You can’t expect a man
never to look at a drop-dead-gorgeous
girl in a low cut top, but that’s very
different from eyeing every girl that walks

6. He has never disappeared without
It’s not so much that you need to know
his every movement, but that he
shouldn’t keep it a secret from you
where he’s been. If he’s always open and
honest about where he’s been, with
whom and what he’s been doing, then
you will have no reason to suspect that
he’s telling anything else but the truth.

7. He hangs out with the good guys
You can tell a lot about a guy from the
company that he keeps. Firstly, if he’s
being faithful, then he won’t hide his
friends from you and, secondly, if he
mixes with a good bunch of guys, then
they will encourage him to follow the
right path anyway.

8. Trust your heart and your instincts
It’s amazing how people can look back
on a relationship and realise, after the
event, that all the bad signs were there,
but they chose to ignore them.
Sometimes people tend to push thoughts
that their partners might be cheating to
the back of their minds, because it’s a
difficult thing to deal with. But deep
down, you probably know, so place your
trust in your gut instincts, as well as your
What are other signs that he will be
faithful in your relationship? Feel free to
share your thoughts in the comment
section below.

Stay happy!