

6 things that kill your relationship faster than cheating

Many people believe the ultimate thing that
could kill a relationship is cheating; couples are
so conscious of this act they feel it would be
difficult to move on with the relationship once a
party is guilty of that offence.

Oblivious to this, there are many things that
could make a couple split and infidelity may
never be raised in cases like that. We all know
the dangers involved with cheating and the
consequences that may follow. The people
involved feel betrayed and may not be able to
put that behind them for a while.

However, some relationships do break even
without the people involved being caught in a
cheating web. Certain issues could give the same
end result cheating would give if the relationship
is not effectively managed.

Find below some of the other things that could
kill your relationship aside from cheating:

1. Lack of courtesy
In relationships, people of different backgrounds
and doctrines often come together as one. You
really do not expect your partner to think like you
or act like you; perfection in a relationship is a
feat many would consider unattainable.
In view of this, there would be
misunderstandings, arguments and fights; you
should learn to apologize when the fault is yours
and let go even when it is not. Using the words
thank you, sorry and please will help your
relationship a great deal. No one wants to be
trampled in a relationship; if you treat your
partner as dirt, he or she may be forced to leave.

2. Misplaced priorities
This is another thing that could kill a relationship;
many people do not know what to do at the right
time. In relationships, you should learn to set
your priorities right.
Some would rather invest their time in pressing
phones when they ought to spend quality time
with their partners. When your partner starts to
feel like he is not so important in your life, the
relationship is heading for the rocks.

3. Lack of trust
This is totally different from infidelity; when your
partner cannot vouch for you in a relationship,
then it is bad. You should be able to predict to
an extent the things your partner can do and the
places he or she would visit.
This is the foundation of most relationships, if
the foundation is faulty or shaky, the relationship
you have built will definitely break.

4. Treating your partner with
Fingers are not equal; your partner could be more
talented than you are, he or she could be richer
or more famous than you. If you work this into
your attitude when relating with the other person,
it could kill your relationship.
Normally, you should complement each other and
be a source of strength to one another. But when
your partner is a bully who derives pleasure in
taunting you with his or her success and
achievements, it would kill your relationship
before you know it.

5. Immaturity
A relationship whereby a party resorts to being
childish when problems spring up can never
work out. Some people do not know how to
handle certain situations and they end up
messing it up the more.
A partner who starts to call his or her partner all
sorts of names when they fight lacks is not a
mature person. Name calling is bad for anyone
and it would kill that relationship before you
know it; ‘Miss know it all’, ‘I too know’ and ‘Mr.
perfect’ are names you should never call your

6. Lack of communication
While your partner may constantly frustrate your
effort when you try to reach out to her, you
should never stop talking. The moment there is a
break in communication that relationship is as
good as over.

Talk, talk and keep talking; do not hold back
when it is time to relate with your partner. Many
relationships have broken as a result of lack of