

Dustin Moskovitz ,Facebook Co-Founder commits $20 Million To Help Democrats Win 2016 Election.

Facebook Co-Founder commits $20 Million To Help
Democrats Win 2016 Election.

Dustin Moskovitz, the billionaire co-founder of
Facebook and Asana, announced on Thursday that
he intends to give $20 million to a "number of
organizations" to help Democrats, and Hillary
Clinton, win in 2016.

Moskovitz published a fiercely worded Medium post
arguing that Republican nominee Donald Trump is
"running on a zero-sum vision" and that his
attempts to woo economically disenfranchised
voters "are quite possibly a deliberate con, an
attempt to rally energy and support without the
ability or intention to deliver."

He also wrote that while he and his wife, Cari Tuna,
have previously voted for Democrats in presidential
elections, this is the first time they endorsed a
candidate and donated.

The move represents a sharp break with Asana and
Facebook board member, Peter Thiel, a Trump
delegate who spoke at the Republican National
Convention and earlier this week published an op-ed
in the Washington Post in support of the Republican

It's not the first time he's broken with his board
member, or publicly criticized Trump. In June, in
response to a BuzzFeed News inquiry, Moskovitz
seemed to distance himself from Thiel's views, and
disavowed Trump's comments on Muslims.

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