

These Are 10 Countries You Probably Didn't Know Exist

The world they say, is a global village but in reality
it is so big a lot of people don’t even know some
countries exist on this earth.

The following countries do exist in the world

1. The Republic Of Lakotah
This country is located in the middle of the United
States and it is actually the size of Syria. It
stretches over 1,600 kilometers and it is the
homeland of the Lakota Sioux, an ancient tribe who
lived there long before European colonial settlers.

The rights to land was given to the Lakota Sioux in
1868 when they signed a treaty with the American
government known as the treaty of Laramie.

2. Transnistria
This country has its own president, currency,
parliament and army and even won an
independence war in 1992. But many still believe it
is part of Moldova. It has a population of about

3. Barotseland
This country is located between Namibia, Botswana,
Zimbabwe, Zambia and Angola and home to a
diversified group of tribes. According to history, it
used to be an independent nation but was
incorporated into Zambia in 1964 but they still
claim independence because they believe it was
incorporated into Zambia by false pretense.

Although there was a treaty in 1964 that claimed
Barotseland was an independent nation, it was
treated as if it has not been received, this led to
tensions and the Barotseland National Council
retaliated by its independence from Zambia in
March 2012.

4. Chinland
Chinland is home to about 1.5 million people and
its territories originally included parts of Myanmar,
Bangladesh and India. They consist of six major
ethnic groups who speak a total of 20 languages.

They have their own leaders and national day known
as the The Chin Revolution Day celebrated every
20th March of the year.

5. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
This country is located in the Western Sahara in
Africa and they declared independence in 1976. It is
recognized by the UN as a state but the rest still
consider it as part of Morrocco. Morrocco and
Mauritania, all lay claim to the territory resulting in a
bitter conflict. In 1979, Mauritania abandoned its
claim but Morrocco still remains stubborn.

6. Abkhazia
This country has a distinct ethnic population, a
separate military, a government, a national bank and
its own passport but it is still struggling to be
considered as a country although they deem
themselves so. It was its own country in the 11th
century till was subsumed into Georgia and then
later into the USSR. When the USSR collapsed in
1991, it demanded to return to its medieval borders
and it won a war of independence against Georgia
in 1993.

7. Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
This country is surrounded by Azerbaijan and after
the collapse of the USSR, the country became the
central focus of a war between Azerbaijan and the
region’s ethnic Armenian majority. A truce was
signed in 1994 putting control of the region, to its
inhabitants known as the Artsakh, into the hands of
the ethnic Armenians. The country has its own
government, military and even a legal constitution
but unfortunately other countries do not recognize
it’s legitimacy.

8. Balochistan
Balochistan is a vast land that makes up 44% of
Pakistan and it has been clouded with turmoil for
well over half a century. Baloch nationalists believe
their an independent country and even celebrating
11th August 1947 as their independence day. The
British gave the country autonomy only for it to be
overturned by Pakistan. Since then the Pakistan
government has used military force to overcome
independence uprisings in the 1950’s, 60’s and

9. South Ossetia
It’s a country with a population of 50,000 people in
Georgia and in 2006 a referendum was held that
demonstrated its people’s desire to become an
independent nation. They have their own language
and are ethnically closer to the Ossetians in Russia
than their fellow Georgians. Since then they have
been effectively independent with their own
President, Leonid Tibilov.

10. The Sovereign Military Order Of Malta
This country has notable recognition from other
countries around the world unlike some of the ones
mentioned above. It has political relations with 105
countries and diplomatic relations with another six.

It even has a permanent observer status at the
United Nations but the bizarre thing is, this country
has absolutely no physical territory nor does it
claim any.

What actually happened is that, Malta used to be
occupied and owned by an order of Catholic
Knights. When it was invaded by Napoleon in 1798,
this order was forced to relocate to Italy where
Catholic nations still continued to recognize them
as a legitimate nation and this has continued till
this day, despite the order now only having control
over two buildings in Rome.

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