

Nobody Will Vote For You In The Next Election- FrMbaka To Buhari

President Buhari, People Are Smelling Of Suffering,
Nobody Will Vote For You In The Next Election - Fr.

The renowned Reverend Father Ejike Mbaka of the
Roman Catholic Church has joined the teeming
Nigerians in complaining about the economic
situation of the country.

Recall that Fr. Mbaka played a role in the 2015
general election when he was said to have blessed
former President Goodluck Jonathan only to later
retract and give his blessings and enormous
support to President Buhari, the then All
Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate.
The whole saga, which later escalated into
accusations and counter-accusations by both Fr.
Mbaka and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP),
saw him being transfered from the popular
Adoration center to a remote village by the Bishop
of the Enugu Catholic Diocese.

A video clip of his recent sermon going viral online
shows Fr. Mbaka using all manner of adjectives to
qualify the living condition of Nigerians.

The Catholice Priest, who is a supporter of
President Buhari, said that his job is to tell the
leaders the truth.

According to him, (Fr. Mbaka) he is speaking out of
the Spirit and in this present government:

"The landlords are crying, tenants are lamenting.
Sellers are crying, buyers are lamenting."

"There is hunger on the streets. Many students are
being rusticated out of the schools because they
can't pay for school fees as the school fees are
being hiked. Proprietors are distressed"

"Many companies are winding up. The economy is
hard. Nigeria is being attacked ferociously.".

Fr. Mbaka, who said he cannot keep quiet when
things are going wrong because the church
members are the citizens who are under attack,
suggested that "the President should please look
around himself and know those advising him and
those telling him there is no trouble, that he should
know that there is trouble and if things continue like
this, in the next election nobody will vote for him."

He added that he is giving Mr. Buhari the raw truth
whether they like it or not. "If the President would
have somebody like me and I cannot be talking to
him, then there is a problem somewhere."

"Somebody who can advise you without asking for
anything and he is representing the poor masses in
the country; he won't tell you lies. He will praise you
when you are doing well and when you are not
doing well he will look at your face and tell you."

"People are smelling of suffering. To feed is now a
problem and a hungry man is an angry man.
Hunger and anger will lead to danger."

The outspoken Catholic Priest urged Mr. President
to empower people as people are not empowered
and to do away with some of the advisers around
him and bring in experts gifted in economic

The death rate is high, if you go to mortuaries there
are little spaces to bring in dead bodies yet they
(government) keep saying it shall be well, when will
it be well, is it when the citizens are in their graves?
He asked.

According to Fr. Mbaka, the government is simply
busy doing nothing.

"They are seen walking around a vicious circle
planning and planning and planning."

#Copied from Catholic brethren watsap group.

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