Today we will give you a brief overview on top 10
most expensive laptops in the world. We all know
that in this modern age, it is the most important
thing in life. As this is the age of modern
technology, mostly people use social websites
which can be used with laptops.
In past, theremost expensive laptops in the world. We all know
that in this modern age, it is the most important
thing in life. As this is the age of modern
technology, mostly people use social websites
which can be used with laptops.
were no computers or people have desktop
computers which were used by sitting on one
place and continuous supply of electricity. But they
have made the life of people easier as when they
are fully charged they can be used for 3 to 4 hours
continuously. People are now fond of gadgets and
love to own them. There are many companies
which are making it and they are exporting all over
the world. Some are available at very low prices to
make them affordable for more people. There are
many accessories which are used with laptops like
bags and cooling fans as well. All latest models
are very expensive due to the latest technology
used in them and many features. These laptops are
now basic needs for every student as now all
projects, and assignments are made on laptops.
Following are the top 10 most expensive laptops
in the world:
10. Lenovo Think Pad W540:
Lenovo is the very famous brand for all electronic
products. This time it comes with the very slim
laptop with high quality. It is a notebook with 15.5
inches and very light weight as well of 5.45
pounds. It has very comfortable notepad with
trackpoint as well. It has a very high-resolution
screen. Lenovo also won many awards for its
beautiful designs and latest technology as well. It
also comes with latest windows and processors as
well. The price of this lightweight laptop is almost
$2,300 which is not much for this stylish PC.
9. Acer Ferrari 1100:
It is a very stylish laptop which is made with same
colors of Ferrari which are black, gray and yellow
as well. It also has Ferrari stamp on this laptop to
make it more different. It has very sleek design
and body is made of ultra-light weight carbon
fiber. To make it more linked with Ferrari, it also
has the power button in black lit that makes it look
like a car. The company believes that people will
turn to watch this attractive computer while sitting
in a coffee shop. The price of this attractive and
unique laptop is almost $3,000.
8. Alien Ware 18:
It is the best laptop in the world for all game
lovers because it is made with a dual processor. It
also has latest windows in it which are 8.1 and
corei7 processor which makes it the latest one. It
is also called “Monster gaming powerhouse”
because of its capacity to play games on it. It is
also the most powerful in the world because of its
processors and all machinery used in it. It has
powerful speakers as well which are certified by
Dolby software which makes the players enjoy the
game more. The price of this most powerful laptop
is $3,600.
7. Dell Mobile Precision M6800:
It is a very powerful laptop which has latest
processors and also provides latest facilities of 3D
as well. It also has ten-finger touch display for
multi-tasking at a time. It also has a strong
security system to control it form viruses as well.
It further has about 4 USB ports for connection and
latest audio players. Dell also offers one edition of
this computer called Covet which is much latest
and available in red color. Its price is very high,
not affordable for everyone which is $3,800.
6. Stealth MacBook Pro by Colorware:
This beautiful and powerful laptop is made by
ColorWare bills which are famous for creating
powerful electronic products. It was made in the
very limited edition and all in black color. It also
has custom made screen which is very powerful
and with high resolution as well. It is very easy to
carry because of its very light weight and this
company only made ten MacBook for the world.
The price of this stylish laptop is $6,000 which is
very expensive to be affordable for everyone.
5. Voodoo Envy 171:
Voodoo is very famous and expensive brand by
Hewlett-Packard in terms of computers. This
specific model was considered more like a
workstation than a normal computer and was
specially made for engineers and working people.
It also offers many new features and services as
well which makes it more expensive. After 2012,
Voodoo stopped producing electronic products like
computers. The price of this attractive red
computer was almost $ 6,500.
4. Ego for Bentley:
Bentley is very famous car manufacturing company,
and no one needs the introduction of its name. For
making of this laptop, Bentley did the partnership
with Ego. It is a handmade laptop and styled in the
traditional style of Bentley with diamonds matching
to the interior of the car. The frame of this
beautiful computer was made up of white gold,
and its handle is made like Bentley car. This
particular model was made in limited number of
almost 250 and was sold for the high price tag.
The price of this stylish laptop was $20,000.
3. Mac Book Pro 24 Karat Gold:
This specific model of laptop is customized. It is
made by Apple which is a very famous brand all
around the world and also charges high prices but
still people love to purchase them. This is their
best model which is custom made according to
the requirements given by the buyer. The outer
covering was made with 24K gold which increased
its price. Its outer is further enhanced with apple
logo which is made up of diamonds. This specific
model was made in very limited quantity. The price
of this beautiful laptop is $30,000.
2. Tulip E-Go Diamond:
This beautiful laptop is made with white gold
plates with some diamonds on to make it more
perfect and precious as well. It also has expensive
ruby on the logo of the brand. It was specifically
made for a woman who wants some fashionable
products with them. It also has many colorful
covers with it to change it according to your need.
The outer look of this laptop was designed by
famous jewelry designer called Laurent de Beer.
The price of this computer is almost $350,000.
1. Luvaglio One Million Dollar Laptop:
It is the most expensive laptop in the word. The
most famous company Luvaglio worked with many
professional designers and makers for making this
computer. This company also offers their buyer to
choose material which they want on their laptops
like diamonds and gold, etc. It has a high-
resolution screen of 17 inches with the self-
cleaning device as well. This laptop has a very
high price tag of $1,000,000 which is not
affordable for almost everyone.
Most Expensive Laptops In The
World with Price
No. Name Price
1 Luvaglio One Million
Dollar Laptop $1,000,000
2 Tulip E-Go Diamond $350,000
3 MacBook Pro 24 Karat
Gold $30,000
4 Ego for Bentley $20,000
5 Voodoo Envy 171 $6,500
6 Stealth MacBook Pro by
Colorware $6,000
7 Dell Mobile Precision
M6800 $3,800
8 Alienware 18 $3,600
9 Acer Ferrari $3,000
10 Lenovo Think Pad W540 $2,300
We conclude that laptops are now basic need of
everyone. In past, there was no trend of laptops
but now latest technology has changed it and
people are now fond of laptops. Mostly students
are in more need of them as they use them for
their studies. There are many expensive laptops in
the world because of material used in them or
further studded with diamonds and gold as well
which increased its price. All these laptops are not
affordable by everyone due to their high price tags.