

See The 10 Countries With The Fastest Internet In The World

Countries with the fastest internet

Electronic devices are things that we use every day
and has a huge influence on our daily life.

Especially the Internet is becoming more and more
important for nearly everybody, probably more
important than the devices themselves, and is now
our most preferred means of everyday

However, to enjoy the uninterrupted services of the
internet, you need to have good connectivity. There
are two important metrics in bandwidth allocation
(measured in Megabits per second or Mbps):

download and upload speed, denoting the speed of
inbound and outbound data respectively.

The average web page loads at 6.3 Mbps
universally, a number that denotes how many million
bits of data can be moved in a second.

While 6.3 mbps is quick enough to send an email
or watch a Netflix show, it’s still very slow.

Akamai Technologies, a Massachusetts-based
internet provider, did a study on how the internet
speeds measure up in countries worldwide. The
company releases a report every quarter that ranks
countries as per their internet speed.

According to them, here are the top 10 countries,
which are mentioned in descending order of net

1. South Korea
According to the Akami report, people in South
Korea enjoy the fastest internet in the world. The
country’s average internet speed measures 29
Mbps, which is 4.6 times as quick as the global

To put things in perspective, the average HD film is
about 5,000 MB. A computer could download that
in a little over two and a half minutes at 29 Mbps

In spite of more than 80% of South Korean
households have access to some of the world’s
fastest internet connections, they face usage
limitations. Several internet users have to face
strong internet censorship in South Korea, according
to a report released last year by the nonprofit
Freedom House.

2. Norway.
Norway witnessed the biggest growth (68%) in
internet speed at 21.3 Mbps since last year in
comparison to any other country in the top 10. At
this speed, a computer could upload or download
about five high-quality photos per second.

3. Sweden.

Sweden’s internet offers an average of 20.6 Mbps,
which means that many people hardly face any
experience delays, even if they have multiple
applications running that use a lot of bandwidth.
Since last year, the country has noticed a 32%
increase in speed.

4. Hong Kong
Hong Kong was the first country in the world to hit
60 Mbps in 2013. Today, its residents enjoy an
average internet speed of 19.9 Mbps.

5. Switzerland
The internet in Switzerland rises at an average 18.7
Mbps, a 25% increase from last year.

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