

The big O day for S*x – science reveals the best day for women to have o******

Is there really a day when a woman can have the orgasm of her life? Is there such a thing as heat period in ladies? You would be surprised to learn the scientific data!

The Internet creates an opportunity for mass researches. One of the fertility app used by over 47 million women collected this data. Ladies reported the time of their cycle, when they were most open to sex and the day when orgasms they had were incredible.

We can call these special days “a heat period”, as ladies do get hot and start hunting their men down for sex. So, if you know the secret, you can use it for your mutual benefit and avoid the frustration of not having enough fun in bed.

Surely most men wish the “heat period” would start from the first day of the cycle and never end. However, that’s not how it works. First day? No and no! The first week of the cycle? You missed it again! There are just a few days a month when the desire for sex gets as high as it can. Those days should surely be marked on your calendar.

And they are not in those first two weeks. The first week she is getting over her period stress. The second week is a bit hotter. Still, that’s when she needs your charitable attention and kindness. If you sow, you will reap!

The fun starts on the 13th day of the cycle. That’s your time, baby. It’s time to rock and roll. For the next three days, your woman would feel hot, all the time! So, if the song is about you “all night long, baby”, then you are her man. If you have been good and kind to her during the “low” period, she will hunt you down during the hot one.