

Woman burns down her apartment after learning that her boyfriend was gay

A New Jersey woman named Lakishette
Williams accidentally set fire to her apartment
after she found out her boyfriend was gay and
was cheating on her with other men. She told
police she accidentally set her apartment ablaze
while burning love letters from the man.

This happened in December and she was
immediately arrested for arson after police found
out she started fires in two rooms, but she
claims it was a mistake. The 25-year-old
mother-of-two said she was “distraught” after
she found out her boyfriend’s ‘friends’ were
actually his sexual partners and she’d left them
in her home on several occasions.

She appeared in court last week for a bail
reconsideration hearing where a judge reduced
her bail from $50,000 to $35,000
“She was devastated. She didn’t intentionally set
the fires; she was just burning love letters from
her boyfriend.” said her attorney Caroline Dav