

How hackers hack Facebook accounts and how to prevent them

How hackers hack Facebook accounts and
how to prevent them

Facebook account hacking is no longer a
new thing since facebook took over as
number one social network, people's privacy
has been invaded by these so hackers and
their personal information exploited. I have
once been a victim of facebook account
hacking and whoever hacked it then was so
good, after changing my password over 10
times, he still had access to it so i had to
open an entirely new account and i did not
forget to make my little research on how to
prevent these hackers from rudely breaking
into your account like that. On the course of
my research, i found out some few preventive
measures and they are pretty effective.

1. Email Address hack
In this case, all the hacker needs to know is
your name, he goes to view your profile and
once he sees your email address, he could
have access to your account if he guesses
your password right. Hackers are very
intelligent when it comes to breaking into
things like this, so once you have a weak
password for your email, he could easily
guess it and access your account.

Now, to prevent this, set your email address
visibility to "Only me", Edit >> Profile >>
Contact Information
Go to security setting and activate the "Send
me an email when a new computer or mobile
device attempts to login to this account".
This prompts facebook to recieve
authorization from you before any other
device (other than the frequent one) logs into
your account, so they will send you a short
code which you will provide in a short box
before successfully logging in.

Make sure you are not using the same
password for your email and facebook
acoount, yeah, some people say it is easier
to remember and all that, but also know you
are making the job easier for the hacker.
Make your password very hard to guess,
don't make it your phone number or birthday
or any other thing someone can easily think

I think the guy who hacked my previous
account used this trick.

This is a very smart way hackers use in
tricking people, they achieve this by simply
setting up some webpages with similar
design to that of facebook and requires you
to login, most of them are scams. You can
avoid this by staying away from suspicious
links or any AD that says "Make money with
your facebook account, login here", its a no

This is a type of computer virus that keeps
track of key strokes, this can be installed on
a computer by a hacker to record all your
activities. Keylogging however is easier if the
hacker has physical access to your
computer. To avoid this, control the physical
access people have to your computer
especially people you don't know too well,
avoid downloading illegal software.

If you keep by this, your facebook acount can
hardly be hacked..