

Biafran Groups Make Shocking Move In Ghana

A number of pro-Biafran groups are in Accra, the capital of Ghana for a conference they say is very important towards actualizing the Biafran republic.

The four day conference, which began on Friday, May 27, is being organized by an independent and neutral international organisation affiliated with the United Nations, Organisation of Emerging African States (OEAS).

According to the leader of the Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), Uchenna Madu, Biafran groups which are in attendance at the four day conference are MASSOB, Biafra Liberation Council, Ekwenche Organisation and Biafra Liberation Crusade.

Others are Biafra National Youth League, Customary Government of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) as well as representatives of some Niger Delta ethnic groups.

The agenda of the conference, according to Madu “is to strategise mutually on building synergies and mutual understanding towards Biafra actualization and restoration through establishing a common Biafra platform that will bind the indifferences of Biafra groups together.

“Secondly, to restrategise on the more effective way of securing the release of Biafra detainees in Nigeria and in diaspora.”
