

4 Seo Services, tips and tricks you should try

4 Seo Services, tips and tricks you should try Search Engine Optimization Tips

What is Seo?

SEO means Search engine optimisation it
basically refers to the methods and tricks to follow
in order to get your posts rank high in the Search
engines,be it Google,bing and yahoo.

They are three basic seo techniques which are:-

>Black hat
(not recommended,it is the fastest way
of ranking your blog and posts on Search engines
but it is illegal and condemned by can
read more about it!!)

>Grey hat
Better for ranking high very fast in search
engines,but too much use of it can harm your blog)

>White hat
(Recommended by search engines but it
takes time before you rank high with white hat
seo,slower than grey hat seo)
---so here we will be talking mostly on white hat
seo and a little Grey hat seo like the building back
links let's go.

(1)Publish one blog post daily that targets a low
search volume long tail keyword

You see,one thing with blogging is the more you
blog,the more your chances of being known wide
is.if you are the type of blogger that post once in a
month or twice then you are definitely killing your
career with time. And time will tell this,write articles
that will get to be known and cherished by audience
and even Google its self,this is a secret of seo
most bloggers don't realize,try to be punctual and
straight forward with your blog post and without
complicating things for your blog reader.
Try to create short and understandable blog articles
for your blog readers,reply to their comments and
fulfill their needs,and you will be amazed with the
kind of traffic you will be getting from Google and
other sources

(2)Target your page 2-3 organic rankings

Page 2-3 is useless for traffic you know,forget
about it! Nobody looks through those pages,if you
are on those pages you might ad well be on page
69 and page 466.But did you know you can usually
give your internal pages that are Ranking on page
two to three a quick boost just by playing with your
internal linking?
You can use Google Analytics,webmaster tools and
semrush to identify the terms and pages that you
are two or three,
Write them all down ..organization is key
here...after you find potential targets you need to
find pages on your site that have some good juice
and apply the link juice principal on them.

(3) Keyword research and development

Keyword analysis. From nomination, further identify
a targeted list of keywords and phrases. Review
competitive lists and other pertinent industry
sources. Use your preliminary list to determine an
indicative number of recent search engine queries
and how many websites are competing for each key­
word. Prioritize keywords and phrases, plurals,
singulars and misspellings. (If search users
commonly misspell a keyword, you should identify
and use it). Please note that Google will try to
correct the term when searching, so use this with
Baseline ranking assessment. You need to
understand where you are now in order to accurately
assess your future rankings. Keep a simple Excel
sheet to start the process. Check weekly to begin.
As you get more comfortable, check every 30 to 45
days. You should see improvements in website
traffic, a key indicator of progress for your
Some optimizers will say that rankings are dead.
Yes, traffic and conversions are more important, but
we use rankings as an indicator.Goals and
Objectives. Clearly define your objectives in advance
so you can truly measure your ROI from any
programs you implement. Start simple, but don’t
skip this step. Example: You may decide to
increase website traffic from a current baseline of
100 visitors a day to 200 visitors over the next 30
days. Or you may want to improve your current
conversion rate of one percent to two in a specified
period. You may begin with top-level, aggregate
numbers, but you must drill down into specific
pages that can improve products, services, and
business sales

(4) Backlinks,Very important

How to Get Backlinks From web 2.0 property sites?
I believe each and every blogger know importance
of High PR Dofollow web 2.0 sites, Its very useful
for fast ranking, But many newbies don’t know that
How to get backlinks from high PR dofollow web
2.0 sites or websites or how to build backlink using
high PR dofollow web 2.0 sites?, I tell you that from
high PR dofollow web 2.0 sites, you can get
backlink very easily and also, For this first you need
to create an account on any high PR dofollow web
2.0 sites, Actually these are blogging platform , So
after sign up just create a blog. Now just give
simple design to your site,
After then just create a post and trying to write 500
hundred word article, and drop your blog relevant
post link there and publish that article,After then
make sure Google will index that high PR dofollow
web 2.0 sites backlink so you need to ping that
URL and also trying to share that post on top social
networking websites, like Google plus, Google
communities, Facebook groups and also much
other contents sharing websites. It will help you in
fast indexing that
backlink. I think this is best the method to get
backlink from high PR dofollow web 2.0 sites,But
many people just creating the post and adding two
lines l and doping their blog link, But it will make
direct and indirect spamming. Don’t do like that
always write Google content there also.

>>Here is a good list of web 2.0 properties

>>This brings us to the end of this basic Seo tips,i
hope you will read more about seo and implement
it in your blogging.
Remember blogging is not a one time job,most of
the successful bloggers you see suffer a lot before
making it online.So just keep patience and try the
best you can and god will see you through.