



Welcome on board once again. I am fully aware that since dst* smacked another sledge hammer on dongles and i ks decoder two days ago(Monday 19th May 2014), the fear is about the world cup. I mean we now have several unanswered questions like, will qsat, tv1, azsky… comes back before worldcup?.. Will dongle ever win the race?. Well i won’t sound hopeless and i won’t sound over-confidence. All i know is that, dongle companies / cccam server runners will stop at notthing to break back dst* channels before world cup. The reason being that, they are used to the quick cash they are making for us. As we all know that is not merely about dongles only. I have always being trying to introduce you to alternative and stable way to watching satellite television. In my post two days ago, i talked about iptv.Today, i will be talkng about FTA(free to air)channels which can enable to watch some live matches since the most sought about event is soccer. For the records, if you have a qsat or a tv1 account that stopped working on Monday 19th may 2014, then you are not alone as dst* upgraded yet again. But we are hopeful of getting our boxes back before world cup.
hot to watch FTA channels
Free-to-air (FTA) describes television (TV) and radio services broadcast in clear (unencrypted) form, allowing any person with the appropriate receiving equipment to receive the signal and view or listen to the content without requiring a subscription, other ongoing cost or one-off fee (e.g. Pay-per-view). In the traditional sense, this is carried on terrestrial radio signals and received with an antenna.
FTA also refers to channels and broadcasters providing content for which no subscription is expected, even though they may be delivered to the viewer/listener by another carrier for which a subscription is required, e.g. cable, satellite or the Internet. These carriers may be mandated (or opt) in some geographies to deliver FTA channels even if a premium subscription is not present (providing the necessary equipment is still available), especially where FTA channels are expected to be used for emergency broadcasts, similar to the 112 emergency service provided by mobile phone operators and manufacturers.
Free-to-view (FTV) is, generally, available without subscription but is digitally encoded and may be restricted geographically.


You need some basic equipments to watch free to air channels.
  • You need a satellite receiver; most modern iks decoders are all fta ready(e.g azsky g6, qsat, tlink, skybox….) However when you are using a strong decoder, i will advice you not to use strong 4663x and older. the reason is that strong 4663x and holder is mpeg-2 and most free to air channels are now on mpeg-4 audio visual coding system.
  • You need an experienced local satellite installer to help you track the various satellite position(Please if you are not an installer, don’t try to twist your dish yourself or else you can spend days on it without success. secondly tracking a big dish larger than 1meter is no small joke)
  • You need more than one dish for convenience sake. If you have the bucks and the space, you can buy a big dish and motorize it( when you talk of a big dish, it starts from 1meter while the conventional dishes we have now is either 60cm or 90cm. If i were you, i will buy a 4meter dish this means you can cover the whole of africa and asia. Nilesat requires at least a 1meter dish in northern Nigeria to get just bein sports 1-5 while hotbird requires a minimum of 3.6meter before you can get signals. if you want to get beinsports 1-12 and beinsportHD 1-5 on nilesat you need 4meters dish in southern Nigeria. If you motorize a dish, it means you can turn your big dish to any satellite position of your choice within the conform of your home without going outside)
  • You need a disecq switch if you want to use small dishes more than one
  • You need the knowledge of the satellite names, frequencies and channel names.


getting to watch live world cup matches is far more easier than watching matches of europeasn leagues like EPL, UEFA, LALIGA BUNDESLIGA. however, the list of satellite that i shall mention will be helpful in showing both live world cup matches and leagues.
Hints: satellite names are not really relevant, the most important things is the position, frequency, polarization and symbol rates. E = East, W=West, V= vertical, H= Horizontal. All this values matters a lot when tracking a satellite tv. e.g if you see E, it means your dish must face east, H means your lnb must be positioned horizontally
  • Multitv africa located in ghana they have one of the strongest premium fta channels as they have news, drama movies and sport. Joysport  is dedicated to sports i mean live matches: the satellite name is atrab, the position is 28.0E. frequency is 12525 (H) 27000 (size of dish = 60cm)
  • Eutelsat w3a 7.0E (popularly known as malagasy) Mbc1, mbc2 and MBC 3(shows ALL FA CUP and ENGLISH NATIONAL TEAM MATCHES,with regular FTA MATCHES)  and will likey or  most definetly show all worldcup matches: Frequency; 11192(V_), 3210, 10976 (V)3333, 12728(V)30000. (size of dish = 90cm)
  • NSS7 22 deg West no serious channels for sports here free, but you can enjoy free makossa, salsa e.t.c on lc1: Frequency; 10986(V) 30000 (size of dish = 60cm)
  • Eutesat 4/7 36 deg East(dstv mutichoice position) no good fta channels on this position both for sport on movies we only have ebru, ccctvn, loveworldplus and sometimes setanta, cnn sometimes comes on dstv frequency as free to air but it is never stable: Frequency; 12454 (H) 27500 (size of dish = 60cm or 90cm)
  • Intelsat 7/10 68.6 deg E (This is mytv africa satellite position and the there is no soccer channels here: 12722(H)26657. (size of dish = 60cm)
  • Nilesat 101 / 102 / 007 deg West: there is no dedicated free sports channels here but there are many more channels free, there are like 12 dedicated premium sports channels i,g bein sports 1-12 which are equivalent but better tahn dstv’s supersports. These beinsports shows all live matches accross all leagues but they are not fta. However azsky, tlink and dqcam account of qsat opens beinsports. Frequency: 12265 (H) 27500, 12476 (H) 27500 etc…(smallest dish size to receive any sport channels on nilesat is 1meter dish in nothern Nigeria and 2.4meter dish in southern Nigeria(you can only receive beinsports 1-5 with a dish between 1meter and 3.0meter) To receive beinsport 1 – 12 and beinsports HD 1-5, you will need at least a 3.6 mter dish, whereas the standard is 4.0meter dish
  • Hotbird / 13 deg East: this satellite has many channels that are free and shows live matches however, you can only get channels on; Frequency; for skysports italia 11541 (V) 22000 tlink opens almost all channles on hotbird with its inbuilt account (hotbird with a minimum of 3.5meter dish)
  • Amos 16.0 deg East ku: it has two channels that shows live soccer they areRDV and STV2 Frequencies; 10804 (h) 30000 Â»(60cm dish)
  • Evasion tv shows live matches located on Amos 16.0E: Frequencies; 11881 v 27500,12215 v 27500,10803 v 27500 »( with 60cm)
  • AIT amos 16e: Frequency; 11007 v 30000 » ( 60cm)
  • Tvc,waptv on Amos: frequency 11293 h 45000 » ( 60cm dish)
  • IRIB is on arabsat cband 20e : Frequency 3963 v 27500 & 4054 h 27500 » IRIB has three premium dedicated channels just like
    ss3, ss5 and ss7 that shows all league matches. However, you can unlock these scrambled channels with the help of biss keys: 
     the biss keys to use is: 11 11 11 33 11 11 11 33 and the biss key works only on irib1, 2 and 3.(minimum of 1.2m dish)
  • Optima sports this is on amos 17.0e cband : Frequency 4148 v 5000  (with 1.8m dish)
  • ETV FEED on ses5 4.8e (shows UCL on tuesdays only): Frequency 12015 v 29950 ,blindscan to get the feed channel (with 60cm dish)


There is a difference between cband and kuband LNBs are explained below:
  1. Ku-band permits the use of smaller antennas that are more beautiful better and much cheaper than C-band.
  2. A typical Ku-band antenna ranges from about 50cm to 1.2m and a typical C-band antenna ranges from 1.8m, 2.4m, 3.8m etc.
  3. Ku-band requires less radio power than C-band to provide the same signal stength thus allowing a smaller antenna.
  4. The cost of C-band equipment and installation is much more than that of Ku-band.
  5. C-band transmits at a lower frequency (around 4 MHz), while Ku band transmits at about 11 to 12 GHz.
  6. C-band dishes usually come with a larger size than Ku-band satellite antennas.
  7. Some satellites transmit both C and KU band frequencies. E.g Intelsat 7/10, therefore for one receive channels from the two frequencies, one needs a big dish that will be able to work with the C band signal and as well work for the KU signal.
  8. The person can then choose to either provide two lnbs for the two signals or purchase a universal lnb that can receive signals across the C band and KU band frequencies (have not used that type myself).
It is just like the difference between VHS and UHF television frequency.

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