The father of a Paris terror attack victim has filed
a lawsuit against Twitter, Google and Facebook
for allowing Islamic State (IS) to use their
platforms to spread terrorist propaganda, the
media reported on Thursday.
a lawsuit against Twitter, Google and Facebook
for allowing Islamic State (IS) to use their
platforms to spread terrorist propaganda, the
media reported on Thursday.
The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court in
Northern California by Reynaldo Gonzalez, the
father of Nohemi Gonzalez who was among the
130 killed in November in Paris, said these social
media giants also allowed IS to raise funds and
hire recruits, the International Business Times
According to a Mirror report, IS leader Omar
Hussain used the social networking website
Facebook to recruit members for the Paris
The IS supporters have tweeted photos of dead
soldiers with the hashtag
#AmessagefromISIStoUS on the micro-blogging
site Twitter.
Several beheading videos have appeared on
Google-owned video-streaming platform YouTube.
In January, a Florida-based woman filed a lawsuit
against Twitter, accusing it of supporting the
global spread of the IS by enabling its followers
to recruit on its social media platform.
Tamara Fields, whose husband was killed in a
lone wolf terrorist attack in Amman, Jordan, in
November last year, sued Twitter for damages.
“Without Twitter, the explosive growth of IS over
the last few years into the most-feared terrorist
group in the world would not have been
possible,” she wrote in her lawsuit.
Twitter has knowingly permitted IS to spread
propaganda and recruit members, she added.
Twitter rejected the lawsuit’s claims.
“While we believe the lawsuit is without merit, we
are deeply saddened to hear of this family’s
terrible loss,” a Twitter spokesperson was quoted
as saying in a statement.
“Like people around the world, we are horrified by
the atrocities perpetrated by extremist groups and
their ripple effects on the Internet. Violent threats
and the promotion of terrorism deserve no place
on Twitter and, like other social networks, our
rules make that clear,” it added.