

Trump blasts New York Times:‘They don’t write good’

Donald Trump took aim at yet another
venerable news outlet Monday night,
saying that The New York Times “is just
absolutely a disaster” and “so unfair” to
his campaign.

“The media is very unfair. They’re very
biased,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean
Hannity, parroting a claim he has made
throughout his campaign. Trump also
unveiled a new nickname for the
established outlet: "The Failing New York

“You look at The New York Times, I
mean, the fail — I call it ‘The Failing New
York Times’ because it won’t be in
business for another, probably more than
a few years unless somebody goes in and
buys it and wants to lose a lot of money,”

Trump said. “But The New York Times is
so unfair. I mean they write three, four
articles about me a day. No matter how
good I do on something, they’ll never
write good.”

The Republican nominee then took aim
at Times presidential campaign
correspondent Maggie Haberman, a
former POLITICO reporter who has
covered the Trump campaign

“They don’t write good. They have people
over there, like Maggie Haberman and
others, they don’t — they don’t write
good,” he said. "They don’t know how to
write good.”

The comments come just hours after the
real estate mogul suggested that he might
remove the press credentials for the
Times in the general election, a move
that would continue a string of attacks
and attempted media blackouts by
Trump and his campaign.

Since the onset of this election, the
Trump campaign has banned nearly two
dozen news outlets from campaign
events, including BuzzFeed, The
Huffington Post, Univision, The Des
Moines Register and POLITICO. In June,
Trump also revoked the press credentials
for The Washington Post, citing concerns
over their “very dishonest” coverage, a
similar blackout to the one suggested
against the Times.


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