

Abomination! Girl Forces Younger Brother to Have S*x with Her at Knifepoint

A girl who could not hold her sexual urge has
forced her younger brother to have s*x with her
repeatedly at knife point.

A teenage girl has shocked her community by
forcing her 14-year-old brother to have s*x with her
at gunpoint. The girl sexually assaulted her brother
several times at knife point.

In a report by The Chronicle , the 17-year-old girl
threatened to accuse her brother of r*pe if he
refuses to have s*x with her after revealing that she
was pregnant. When he couldn't do anything, he had
s*x with her at knife point severally.

However, things got exposed after the frightened
boy ended up confiding in his teacher after the
teacher noticed that his grades had dipped
drastically around the same time.

The girl from Zimbabwe was arrested by the police
and arraigned before a court. The girl pleaded guilty
to two counts of aggravated indecent assault
claiming that she heard voices that ordered her to
have intercourse with her brother.

Regional magistrate Mr Chrispen Mberewere
condemned the girl’s behaviour. He sentenced her
to five years in prison, which he suspended on
condition she does not commit a similar crime in
the next five years.

Prosecuting, Mr Simbarashe Manyiwa said that
sometime in June at around 9PM while the boy,
who is doing Form Two was sleeping, his sister
went into his room carrying a knife.

“She placed the knife on his neck and ordered him
to UnCloth. The girl caressed her brother before
forcing him to have intercourse,” said Mr Manyiwa.

“He didn’t report the matter to anyone but resolved
that he would inform his teacher at school. After a
week she told her brother that she was pregnant
with his baby and she wanted to tell her mother that
the boy had raped her.”

The court heard that the girl made her brother
promise to have intercourse with her if he did not
want her to make the rape report.

“She continued visiting her brother’s room and
seducing him several times before forcing him into
having intercourse. The girl’s shenanigans came to
light after she forced her brother to have intercourse
with her twice on July 17,” he said.

“The boy went to school and told his counselling
teacher that there was something troubling him. He
then revealed that his sister was in the habit of
forcing him to have intercourse with her. The
teacher made a report which led to the girl’s

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